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The origin of Black History Month can be traced back to Carter G. Wilson who was an African American historian

educator. Woodson in 1926 developed the idea of dedicating a week in February to celebrate the contributions and

achievements of African Americans. He considered February because it coincided with the birthdays of Frederick

Douglass and Abraham Lincoln two figures who played a significant role in the improvement of Black American Lives. At

its inception, Black History was largely neglected and, in many cases, misrepresented in American history textbooks and

curricula. In Woodson’s view recognizing and preserving African American history helped to address these omissions and


Black History Month served as a platform to showcase the significant contributions of African Americans to America in

various fields, including science, arts, literature, politics and sports. This celebration aimed to challenge prevailing

stereotypes and promote accurate understanding of African American history.

Celebrating Black History Month served as a tool to empowering African Americans. During the 1950s and 1960s, it

gained renewed significance. It helped instilled pride and increased focus on the heritage and cultural achievements of
